Monday, July 30, 2007

Customer Review - The Carbols in Finland

As we hiked into the towering trees of the Finnish forest, we were struck by the lush, green, peaceful setting. The quiet and tranquility were a welcome escape from the harsh sights and sounds of modern day civilization. Martinselkonen is a nature park of around 6000 hectares and sits in the wilderness of the Kainuu region. Accessed by dirt road, it takes you deep into the realm where moose and bear are more common than human...

Click here for the full review and photos

Saturday, July 7, 2007

'Barn Swallow v Goliath'

The Airports Company South Africa (ACSA) has been given the green light to begin construction on the Dube Trade Port in Durban, including King Shaka International Airport on condition that they focus on rehabilitating the wetlands in the area, and to ensure minimal impact on the Barn Swallows that roost in the area. Flight schedules will even have to be planned around the flight times of the swallows. Birdlife SA, are now satisfied that enough work has been done to ensure the continuous survival of the Barn Swallows that roost within the trade port area. All chameleons found will also be removed and relocated to similar bush clumps not scheduled for removal.