We never make it easy for you, in that we are always "late bookers", but after fantastic holidays with you in 2006 in Madagascar (thanks Chris) and 2009 in Zambia (thanks Isabel) we were already delighted to recommend you to friends and colleagues. When the chips were down the benefits of a small enthusiastic team have really shone through and I've been singing your praises at work all week (yes I went back in to work when I couldn't get away). We're sure we'll love another trip to
Fingers crossed we get away on Friday - it's looking good for now. Finally could we ask that you let us know a ball park figure for the costs of the two days holiday we've lost, as our Insurers look likely to recompense us for the reduction in vacation length. We're already thinking of 2011 vacations and beyond - my vote currently is for
Gill & David G. December 2010.
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