Saturday, January 17, 2009

Snippet: 'Rainforests, Reptiles and Popular Primates' Evening Review

I was so excited when I found out that we were going to Daddy’s office to hear the talk that Nick Garbutt was doing about Madagascar. I couldn’t wait! I was even more excited when he told me that there were going to be snakes there, that we could hold!

At last we arrived. Chloe, Immy, Carrie and I ran into the office. We were amazed by what we saw. They had put a straw fence around the kitchen desk, which looked amazing, and on the desk were the most nibbles you have ever seen! There were biscuits, crisps, carrots and hummus, oh, and not forgetting the jelly snakes! We went in and got a drink and some food then went into the side room where the snakes were…

… Wow!! Not only were there snakes, but there were lizards as well! We asked the lady in charge of them if we could hold one. She said yes, of course, but, before we had a chance, someone came to tell us that the talk was about to start, so we all raced back into the main room, where Nick was just getting ready to begin.

Nick showed everyone some pictures of when he went to Madagascar: animals, plants, insects, you name it! – he had seen them all. It was all very interesting. When he had finished, he asked people if there were any questions that anyone would like to ask. One person asked if he had encountered anything scary or frightening on his travels and another asked if you had to be careful whilst walking in case there were any poisonous snakes. After that there was a raffle. Two of Nick’s books were being given away as a prize and there were also some perfumes from somewhere like Kenya.

After a very interesting and exciting evening, it was time to go. Daddy had to stay behind and help pack up, but Chloe, Immy, Carrie, Mummy and I had to go home. I am looking forward to next year already!!!!!

Charlotte Breen
Aged 11

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